Home of the Founders

We are here to help founders build better businesses​

Look, starting a business is tough. We want to make it a bit easier​

We know because everyone here has been there. A Better Founder is the best source of information to help founders create great companies. You have the idea and the drive, we'll provide the information. 

Join the community built to help lift you up and help you become the best entrepreneur you can be. 

I'm Charles

I've helped start and scale multiple businesses. Now I want to share what I know to help entrepreneurs start and scale theirs.

Look, building a business is hard. I should know, I've been in the trenches building businesses for two decades. If I'd known then what I know now, I could have reached success earlier. 

That's why it's my mission to help other entrepreneurs reach their dreams by giving them the information and community they need to succeed. 


There are no shortcuts to building a business, but there is one secret: who you know can help you scale faster. That's why we built A Better Founder.

Charles Forster

Be a Better Founder guest author

Interested in writing for us? Get in touch, we'd love to hear your pitch